My Story
Hiii!! I’m the founder of Her Lovely Pleasures, I’m so thankful to everyone who supports me and my dream behind this company. This is more than just a company. This is about a women’s self care journey and how much it matters. This company was started to help women find products that are clean with amazing, organic, and top tier ingredients. Here we can be comfortable talking about our self care as women together, our feminine hygiene is so important and can be hard to talk about. Here at Her Lovely Pleasures we want to normalize talking and learning about our bodies together! If that is our hair care, body care, feminine care, or even skin care. We are here to help you find your perfect self care routine because self care is important as well as taking care of yourself. Showing yourself the love you deserve. This isn’t just a company but a support system! Thank you so much for supporting my company.
- Danielle
- Danielle